Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We made it to Denali early today, a preety short ride from Fairbanks... Seems like the last 3 days have been short mileage & lots & lots of eating..... Believe it or not, I'm tired of eating!
Here's a shot of us at the beginning of Denali park... Unfortunately, we can never get a shot of both of us.....

And... more beatiful scenery... It's amazing.. every time we round a curve, it just gets better. Lots of snow up here still. Talking to Nick at the jeep tour company, he said it snowed here 3 weeks ago! we have a 4wd jeep booked for the morning, back through the backcountry in Denali park.. hopew to have some good photo's of that tomorrow....

And, just to show how much we're roughing it... here's dinner tonight. Baked Salmon on a cedar plank, King Crab & artichoke dip in a bread bowl, and a beer sampler of the local brews... it's tough being on the road... And the hotel is fantastic.. the desk in the room is over the Nenana River at the park boundry..

Short post tonight, we can only use wifi in the motel office, so we're in a hurry. here's Mike updating in a pretty nice setting.... Not bad!!

Well, off to Anchorage after the jeep tomorrow... more then...


Unknown said...

seriously, your camera doesn't have a timer feature?

looks like you guys are having a great time and seeing some beautiful country! I'm very Jealous!

dug said...

I (we) enjoy reading your blog when we can get on the internet. We are in Dawson Creek, BA heading for home.
Doug and Nancy

July 21