Remember the photo from the last post of the dejected rider with the broken bike? Well, here's what he looks like after the bike is running (and the dealer washed it) the weather is clear & warm, with an open road in front of us. What a difference a day makes. Heading south at 75mph.

If you look close, you can see Jackson Hole, Wyoming in the background. This is from near the top of Teton Pass through the Grand Teton Mountains . The haze is smoke from the fires out west. My eyes were so bad the tears were running back on my cheeks from the smoke. Everything was lush & green here though.

Here's a view of the Tetons from south of Yellowstone Park. We headed east on U.S.287 just south of the park entrance. This is really beautiful country out here. If you look close at this one, you can see an airplane landing right in front of the tallest peak. Not nearly as much fun to travel that way.

Local wildlife in Wyoming. It was standing on the side of the road as we approched & moved as we we neared..... He was giving us the eye as we passed................

And again... the road goes on forever..... We climbed for a while & reached the top of a large plateau at about 6,600 feet.. it was pretty flat & the road was straight as an arrow for about 40 miles. Also, we had an extreme crosswind here, must have been 40-50 mph. For those who know how long my hair is, it was standing straight to the side as we went 75 mph... that's a might powerful wind! Fought that wind for more than an hour before we descended into Rawlins, Wy... That's where we're spending the night. Less than 1,200 miles home, so we should be back by Wed evening.....
It's been a great trip, but we're both looking forward to getting back to our loved ones.......
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