And again... the road goes on forever..... We climbed for a while & reached the top of a large plateau at about 6,600 feet.. it was pretty flat & the road was straight as an arrow for about 40 miles. Also, we had an extreme crosswind here, must have been 40-50 mph. For those who know how long my hair is, it was standing straight to the side as we went 75 mph... that's a might powerful wind! Fought that wind for more than an hour before we descended into Rawlins, Wy... That's where we're spending the night. Less than 1,200 miles home, so we should be back by Wed evening.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
On the way home
And again... the road goes on forever..... We climbed for a while & reached the top of a large plateau at about 6,600 feet.. it was pretty flat & the road was straight as an arrow for about 40 miles. Also, we had an extreme crosswind here, must have been 40-50 mph. For those who know how long my hair is, it was standing straight to the side as we went 75 mph... that's a might powerful wind! Fought that wind for more than an hour before we descended into Rawlins, Wy... That's where we're spending the night. Less than 1,200 miles home, so we should be back by Wed evening.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So, here are the images (and story) in reverse order... Those who are dyslexic will be just fine...
Here's Mike getting ready to experience the "Wind in your hair, Bugs in your teeth", but on the plus side, his gas mileage is going to be incredible! Check out Mikes blog for "the rest of the story". A piece of gravel got into the drive belt and snapped it, in the middle of nowhere of course. No cell service, only a passing car every 5-10 minutes. I told Mike to take my bike & ride back to the last little town, but luckily we caught a passing car & he was able to get a ride back...
This is the beginning of the road... last time we were here, the sign was larger & 22 miles up the road.... it said 77 miles at the time. I have it on my Fotki site, labeled as "The entrance to biker heaven". Now they've made the sign smaller & moved it back to 99 miles......
Coming into Lewiston, Idaho from the north is pretty spectacular. We were climing for hours this morning, but the descent into Lewiston is more than 2000 feet down a sheer plateau wall. This is a view from near the top. There were "runaway truck" ramps every 1/2 mile or so, it was that steep. And big signs reassuring the truckers that there was "no fine for using runaway truck ramps", I've never seen that before... That's Lewiston, ID and Clarkston, WA below. This is on the Lewis and Clark trail. The river that you can barely see is 1/4 mile wide, and the one that we're about to follow to the east.
Oh well, we're "stuck" in a nice Wyndham hotel across the street from the Harley shop in Missoula, MT. The bike shoud be ready mid-afternoon & we'll see where we end up tomorrow. remember, it's not the destination, it's the journey, and this is just a part of it. Mike & I have both broken down (with Kathy & Mary Jo) in various parts of the country.... just a part of riding long distances.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Back in the U.S.A.
Today we were on one of the best roads of the whole trip! Hwy 6 through southern BC is just amazing. Lots of twists & turns, lakes, rivers, mountains, small towns... it's definitely a road to come back to again. Caught a ferry across a beautiful river...
The heat picked up as we approached the border and we were able to get rid of the jackets. Here's Mike at the border... It's always a sign that you've had a good trip when you see this sign!
And, here's another sign that we're having a lot of fun on this trip......
It's warm, life is good!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What a difference a day makes.
The photo below is between Falkland, BC and Vernon, BC.
We've heard from several folks on this trip about a nice road, so that's where we're headed... route 6 will drop us off in the very northeast corner of Washington state, then it's across Idaho & Montana.
We'll finally be back is the U.S. tomorrow!! Prices will be lower on everything... It's amazing how expensive things are here in Canada, maybe Phil Gramm was right, we are a bunch of whiner's (not!) Food is very high, gas is $6 gallon, rooms are high...... I don't know how pay is up here, but it must be a struggle to make ends meet with a family.
Check out Mikes blog for more details, don't want to repeat everything he said.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Finally! Sunny and warm
I'm still having trouble uploading photo's..... the only thing I can think of is the image size, mine are about twice as big as Mikes at 5-6meg per shot.
Oh well, I got a couple up (even 1 duplicate)
The first one looks like water on the road.... it wasn't. We were waiting for the flagman to let us go, they were spraying fresh oil on the road.... nice slick oil...... I picked my feet up when we got the OK, and looked down & my floorboards were covered in oil from the soles of my boots. Shortly after the that, the road turned to fresh dirt that a road grader was working out....
But again, the scenery is just incredible!
This is Hyder, Alaska.. chck out Mikes blog from last night. We got Hyderized..... It's called the "Friendliest Ghost Town". The Milepost lists the population at 12.... dirt streets at the end of the only road.
tomorrow we'll turn south on the west side of the mountain range that is the border to Banff. We hear there's some really nice riding on that route.
Ignore this one... it's a duplicate....
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Finally, the sun!!!!!!
I know I sound like a broken record, but this is just some incredibly beautiful scenery again. A short ride today, less than 300 miles, but some ofr the prettiest country we've seen. Deep canyons, glaciers right at the roadside, and nice twisty roads.
Staying in Stewart, BC for the night, but Hyder, AK is just 1 mile down the road. Stopped at at famous bar in Hyder & got "Hyderized"... even have the bumper sticker. Bought Mike & I the local tradition......... they won't tell you ahead of time what it is ( I guessed it).. they tell you that you can't smell it first, or taste it.. you have have to down it in 1 drink, and if it comes back up, you have to buy a round for the bar....... Mike & I had no problems with that.....
It was Everclear.... 151 proof... Now I have a certificate that I've been Hyderized.....
Met a couple from New Zealand that bought a Suzuki V-Strom here in the US & were spending 6 weeks riding the same country, we've even stayed in the same motels the last several days.... bought them a Hyderized..... The Kiwi's had absolutely no problem downing them...... Also, hung a $1 bill on the wall of the bar, they have over 75,000 $1 bills on the wall dating back to 1956. Put my name & a short saying on it. It'll be here the next time time I come back!
Going in to Hyder is no problem, no US cutoms checkpoint... Hyder is less than 1 mile from Stewart, BC.... And is about 3 blocks long. Called America's friendliest ghost town (from the mining days). However, going back to Canada is a bit more of a challenge...... They have a customs checkpoint....(why????) they ask all the questions... where have you been (1 block) how long have you been here (1 hour) where are you from, going, etc... are you carrying firearms... There's only 1 road, no other way in or out of Hyder..... really, really annoying. Sorry Pete, but Canada is a pain in the rear!
I'll try to upload a couple photo's from the ride today, we'll see if I can get them up here...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Last of the cold?
Today we made the turn to the south on the Cassiar Highway (37) from the Yukon into British Columbia. It was low 40's, 200' ceilings and a light drizzle, with wet roads again this morning.. seems to be the pattern lately. We hear it's in the 80's in southern B.C. it's in the 40's here.. 800 miles.. that works out to 1 degree warmer for every 20 miles we go south!
The Cassiar is not nearly as developed as the Alaska Highway.. trees and foliage are right o the edge of the road in places.. makes it tough to spot critters on the side of the road. And it's a narrow 2 lanes, we've hit about 30 miles total of dirt so far... not gravel, dirt.... There was also some gravel along the way.
Keeping it short again tonight due to limited internet.
Nope... no photo's again... keeps blowing off....
Oh well, maybe tomorrow we'll have a better connection.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Mud, Rain & Cold
We're now going south on the Alaska Highway, and we're still seeing incredible scenery.. there just seems to be no end to the beauty up here. Today we saw a very large Moose, just standing on the shoulder of the road ahead. As we approached he headed off into the forest. A while later we saw a pretty large Grizzly just off the shoulder... I'm trying to upload the photo's, but it's been 45 minutes and doesn't seem to be completing the upload.... There may or may not be photo's below when you read this. The lobby computer costs $1 for 10 minutes..... So far I've dropped in 5 Loonies ($1 coins up here) and no way to tell how much has uploaded. I'll put in a couple more, then I'll give up..... Must be a very, very slow upload speed.
And the photo's would be fun to see too..... A couple of mud... I'm mud all over, the bike is really, really dirty... Looks like we've been dirt biking all day.. And I guess we were. Went through the bad area of the highway near the Alaska / Yukon border after it's been raining for days on end.. It was a 40 mile mud puddle.... Lots of the road is just brown, slimy mud... very slippery on the bike. Just have to point the wheel & hang on, it goes where it wants to. And, one of the Grizzly. He was less than 80 feet away I think. We stopped on the shoulder & got a couple shots as he walked along. When we stopped, I left the bike running for a quick getaway!
Just dropped another $1 in the slot... 50 minutes & still uploading the photo's... this is crazy! They must be strapping the packets to carrier pigeons.
Ok, after 55 minutes, the upload blew off..... $6 down the drain... I'll try to upload a few tomorrow if I can.
We're heading south from Watson Lake on the Cassiar Highway through central British Columbia and may not have internet access or cell phone for a couple days, seems to be a pretty remote road.... We hear the first 200 miles is pretty slimy, the the next 550 is pretty good. That willget us to Prince George, BC.....
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The turnaround back home.
Saw some beautiful waterfalls in the Keystone Canyon.. take a look at Mikes blog (to the left) I think he was able to get a photo's up tonight.
I want to say hi to WB0UKW... bumped into them several times in the last 2 days....
We've made the turnaround and are headed in the general direction of Texas... Taking a different route home, south through B.C. then down through Idaho, not vertain where after that.
Hopefully, we'll get to some warmer, drier weather soon.
Alaska Maritime Highway
This is the view tonight, a nice glass of wine, and a view out the window that just can't be beat... no dump tonight!
I'm using the lobby computer, and this may not be the right photo... There are seals laying all over the flat island towrds the left side (if this is the right one!).
Here's a whale venting, just off the side of the ferry.... I looked & was able to grab a quick shot....
And, the entrance to the harbor at Valdez.... Most of what I saw looked like paintings, not real views.... it's absolutely amazing up here....
My brand new camera is slowly falling apart. The first parts fell off two days ago and more parts have fallen off each day. I only hope I can finish the trip with it. Check out Mikes blog (to the left) with even more photo's. Now, every time I turn the camera off it gives a long beep & displays error messages.... It may not last much longer.
The room tonight is soooo much better.. not that much more expensive, but really nice, the lounge & restaurant are really good... different than the dump last night.
Talked with the cook on the ferry ( really good clam chowder) and he turned up at the bar tonight.. bought him a beer and we chatted for quite a while... His wife came in later, she's a teacher on the west coast of Alaska, teaches native kids in small villages, he's a cook on the ferry line..... what a life they live, we talked for quite a while....
Tomorrow we head north, back towards the Alaska Highway. We plan on heading down the highway, back to Watson Lake, then south on the Cassiar Highway through British Columbia for a while. Then we'll find a road that will drop us out somewhere around Idaho I think...
Today was a good day! Tomorrow they're predicting rain again.....
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Rain, rain & cold
Oh well, maybe we'll have a better day on Saturday. No riding tomorrow, the hotel tonight is right at the ferry dock, and the one tomorrow is also right at the dock in Valdez... we won't ride again until Saturday... then we start heading in the direction of home again...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Denali jeep trip.....
On the way out, there was just enough break in the clouds to "sorta" see Mt. McKinley ... We saw it better from 200 miles away the other day! That white in the center of the photo is the mountain, not clouds....
More of the trail.... That water is probably 2 feet deep, those were some DEEP holes in the trail.....
Headed south to Wasilla this afternoon.. low 40's and light rain again... I don't think we'll ever see the sun again. I hear it's 100 and dry in Dallas..... We're frozen up here.... I'm back to wearing my winter gear again & still shivering. We stopped at a small roadside cafe & I had 2 hot chocolates before I could stop the shivering.....
Well, up early in the morning and south through Anchorage to the Kenai peninsula. Another day or two and we'll be at the turnaround point & have to start thinking about heading back toward Texas again...... We have a general idea of the route, but haven't made specific plans yet, hope to be able to catch a ferry to Valdez & then back north to the Alaska Highway again ( only 1 highway in & out of Alaska)
Weather says cold & rainy again tomorrow..
Later everyone!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Here's a shot of us at the beginning of Denali park... Unfortunately, we can never get a shot of both of us.....
And... more beatiful scenery... It's amazing.. every time we round a curve, it just gets better. Lots of snow up here still. Talking to Nick at the jeep tour company, he said it snowed here 3 weeks ago! we have a 4wd jeep booked for the morning, back through the backcountry in Denali park.. hopew to have some good photo's of that tomorrow....
And, just to show how much we're roughing it... here's dinner tonight. Baked Salmon on a cedar plank, King Crab & artichoke dip in a bread bowl, and a beer sampler of the local brews... it's tough being on the road... And the hotel is fantastic.. the desk in the room is over the Nenana River at the park boundry..
Short post tonight, we can only use wifi in the motel office, so we're in a hurry. here's Mike updating in a pretty nice setting.... Not bad!!
Well, off to Anchorage after the jeep tomorrow... more then...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska
I bought this shirt a couple days ago, but had to wait to wear it until we actually rode the ENTIRE highway.... My hair was brown when this trip started............
I mentioned the other day about some of the people we've met along the way... One group we bumped into again today is riding from Key West to Deadhorse.... Although after talking to some folks here in town, I think Mike & I, and two of the 3 of them, have decided not to ride to the Arctic Circle. Apparently the road is in very bad condition right now... We hear that it would just eat the bikes.... So we're planning on heading to Denali tomorrow. Hate to miss the Arctic Circle, but don't want to tear the bikes up so we can't get back home. Here's a couple of folks I bumped into at the Kaw dealer here, They've been on the road for 4 1/2 months & rode these dirt bikes all the way from Columbia (look at the license plates).... Ok, Mike & I are a couple of pikers.... They just got back from the Arctic Circle and said the road is very, very bad... and they're on dirt bikes....... Bumped into them again at the Harley shop when I got over there to meet Mike.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
We made it!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a few photo's from today's ride I still can't find the words to describe what we're seeing.. One word that comes to mind is "vast".... This is a vast wilderness up here... We got up early this morning & hit the road around 6am local, we didn't see another car on the road for a long, long time. It's 90-100 miles between tiny gas stations, typically with 1 gas pump. There are no side roads, no towns, no houses, no telephone poles, nothing but wilderness.
This photo was taken while riding in the Kluane Park. (at about 70mph, so no grief about the composition!)
This was as the sun was peeking through the clouds over Kluane Lake
And here we are at the border..... Couldn't find anyone that could shoot a photo of the two of us in front of the sign.
Today we hit the worst section of the Alaska Highway. Lots of gravel and lots of construction. And we had 40 degrees and light rain to top it off. The black gravel wasn't too bad... the brown stuff in the photo below is dirt.. and it was slippery as snot and rough.... The bike is completely covered in crud.... It took 2 1/2 hours to go 47 miles through that section.
We got caught in a storm shortly after the above photo... the good news is, the hail was small.... We stopped on the side of the road and ran into the forest to get cover under the trees... The other good news is that we didn't get eaten by a bear in the forest....
We'll be in Fairbanks for breakfast and we'll find a place to get the oil changed & see if we can scrape off some of the stucco that's formed on the bikes.
We'll pass through North Pole Alaska tomorrow, and if I get a chance, the Grandkids will get a nice postcard from there!
Later everyone!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Words & photo's just can't begin to describe what we're seeing up here. This is truly unspoiled wilderness. We ride for an hour or more & there aren't any signs of humans anywhere (except the road iteself). This first photo was shot from the shoulder of the Alaska Highway in the Yukon. we stopped to take the photo and the was absolutely no noise of any kind, very strange for a city boy used to hearing air conditioners, pool pumps, TV's, traffic, etc, etc.... Breathtaking just doesn't begin to describe how amazing it is up here.
And.... The road never ends........
Just incredible... I have to leave it at that.
we're about 200 miles from the Alaska border... called ahead for reservations & everything farther ahead was sold out, so we had to stop early again. We hear that there is a 47 mile stretch up ahead that's really bad and we want to hit that in good daylight, we've bumped into several bikers headed south that warned us about it.
Well, tomorrow we'll hit Alaska in pretty early in the day, at that point Mike & I will have ridden in all 49 states you can drive to and every Canadian Province & Territory that has a road to it....
Hopefully we can update again tomorrow.Thursday, July 10, 2008
In the Yukon today
It's been in the low 40's for the last 4 days.... I'm not sure where this global warming talk is coming from... We left Toad River, BC this morning & it was misting lightly, about 40, so we didn't put rain gear on. It started raining heavier as we got down the road. We were cold & wet all day long, so we decided to hole up in Watson Lake, Yukon for the night. 30 minutes after we checked in & layed all the leathers in front of fans to dry them out, the sun came out..... Haven't seen the sun in several days..... I told mike if we didn't love riding so much, we'd probably be miserable.... Here's me in front of the famous Watson Lake sign post forest. (I thought I was smiling, apparently i it was a grimace)
Here's a photo of a local traffic jam........
We're having a great time... believe it or not.... I think the weather may warm up by the weekend. Well, Mikes waiting to use his laptop, so gotta run! see everyone in a few more weeks.