Monday, June 23, 2008

Hi everybody! I'm starting to send out the link to the blogs to friends & family, so HI to all of those starting to check it out. Pulled up the weather for some of the places we'll be going... Whitehorse, Yukon will be 52 deg tomorrow... it's 98 here in Dallas... Man, is that going to feel good. Looks like mid 60's as we get north of Calgary, and in the low 70's in the Alaskan interior. 58 deg. in Anchorage..... It's hard to think about packing heavy clothes & long sleeve shirts when it's so hot here in Dallas. The water in the swimming pool is 85 deg. here!!!!! Like taking a bath....

Laying out things to pack & trying to make the final list of things going... don't want to overpack, space is really limited, but also don't want to leave something behind we might need on the road. Air compressor is mandatory, camera is a must, clean underwear will be at a premium. Packing all of the leathers as we leave is going to be tough, they take so much space! And, it's way too hot to wear them till we get farther north, don't want to have heatstroke right after we leave.

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